"Heroes became legend. Legend became myth."

This is a story famous among our folk tales. If you haven't heard it yet, its alright you can read it here now. I will try my best to write the story in detail though the story has faded due to our modernising cultures. Anyway if you enjoy reading please do follow me on google plus and follow me on blogger.
This is just a folk tale that our parents and grandparents once used to tell. I don't know whether kids these days get to hear it or not. Anyway here it goes____
→Once there lived a man named Nyillo Radhe. He was very strong and courageous man. The village people always relays on his braveness and he used to protect the village from dangers and threats. He was always ahead in terms of competition of strengths and wits. So he had much fortune and fame.
And yeah with fortune and fame comes misfortunes, that is..... there were people in the village who were jealous of him and always wish bad of him.
→Once there lived a man named Nyillo Radhe. He was very strong and courageous man. The village people always relays on his braveness and he used to protect the village from dangers and threats. He was always ahead in terms of competition of strengths and wits. So he had much fortune and fame.
And yeah with fortune and fame comes misfortunes, that is..... there were people in the village who were jealous of him and always wish bad of him.
Now coming to the real part. In the village they lived there was a common problem that everyone faces. A mighty flying creature called Pata Lavra (Nyishi term for flying Beast) comes to the village and hunts their domesticate animals like goats, pig, mithuns and sometimes even humans. As far the story, my assumptions are that these flying creature might have been dragons. Though the story never mentioned of the fire breathing. Just think of something that can pick up mithun and fly away. How huge that thing might have been. So, the villagers always feels the insecurity and always lived in fear of that beast.
Now it happens that the elders of the village once call out everyone in the village for meeting. They decided that they should end their miserable life and hunt for Pata Lavra(dragon). But no one in the village had any guts to hunt for the beast. So at last Nyillo Radhe stood up amongst them and said he will do the job. So the next time that beast came flying and picked a goat and flew away, people follow it and found the nest of the beast. It was there in a cave in high cliff in the mountain. The cliff was too stiff and too high to climb. And the cave was in the middle of the cliff. The villagers went back to village and prepared a long rope and weapons to kill the dragon.
So the next day Nyillo Radhe among with some of the elders went to the edge of the cliff where the beast lived. They tied the long rope to a tree and throw the rope down the cliff. Nyillo Radhe climb down the cliff. And as soon as he reach the entrance of the cave, to his surprise the jealous villager cut off the rope. Now Nyillo Radhe had no other option of going back home. But he gather his courage and went inside the cave. There he saw the mother dragon sleeping in the nest. He shoot his powerful arrow to the heart of the beast and killed it. And to his surprise there were three little baby dragons in the nest. Nyillo Radhe waited at the entrance of the gate. And in the evening time the male dragon came flying with a deer. He also killed it as soon as it landed on the entrance of the cave. Now if you are wondering, how he killed it, killing dragon is not an easy thing. The answer is I don't know. Maybe he had some super strength or some specialised weapon.
So the next day Nyillo Radhe among with some of the elders went to the edge of the cliff where the beast lived. They tied the long rope to a tree and throw the rope down the cliff. Nyillo Radhe climb down the cliff. And as soon as he reach the entrance of the cave, to his surprise the jealous villager cut off the rope. Now Nyillo Radhe had no other option of going back home. But he gather his courage and went inside the cave. There he saw the mother dragon sleeping in the nest. He shoot his powerful arrow to the heart of the beast and killed it. And to his surprise there were three little baby dragons in the nest. Nyillo Radhe waited at the entrance of the gate. And in the evening time the male dragon came flying with a deer. He also killed it as soon as it landed on the entrance of the cave. Now if you are wondering, how he killed it, killing dragon is not an easy thing. The answer is I don't know. Maybe he had some super strength or some specialised weapon.

Now he got up to the smart one and signal it to fly. The dragon jump out of the cave, stretched its wings and fly. It soar high up in the air, higher and higher and reach the edge of the cliff. It continued flying toward his village side and soar higher and higher. When Nyillo got high enough, from above he saw his village, his farms and fields. He saw that his wife and children were taken by the envious villagers. He signalled the flying beast to go down but it kept soaring high. So Nyillo Radhe chopped out one of the beast wing and it fall down to the ground and landed in the middle of the village.
People came and gathered around the beast and Nyillo Radhe. His moustaches and beards were long grown and he was in rag wearing the skins of the animals and people at first did not recognise him but when they came to know it was Nyillo Radhe, they shouted and cried out- Its Nyillo Radhe.!! He's alive. He's back!!! They welcome him and gave a grand celebration and welcome.
and what happened of those envious villagers, well that's your to guess.
People came and gathered around the beast and Nyillo Radhe. His moustaches and beards were long grown and he was in rag wearing the skins of the animals and people at first did not recognise him but when they came to know it was Nyillo Radhe, they shouted and cried out- Its Nyillo Radhe.!! He's alive. He's back!!! They welcome him and gave a grand celebration and welcome.
and what happened of those envious villagers, well that's your to guess.

If you haven't read the story of founding of Ganga Lake Itanagar (Gekar Sinyi).
Please read it here. CLICK THIS LINK→Story Of Gekar Sinyi
Story of Nyillo Radhe The Dragon Slayer
Reviewed by Unknown
December 26, 2016

the father of dragon nyillo radhe