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Physics Project: LDR- Light Dependent Resistor

Class 12 Physics Project: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor):

Materials that we need:
     1. LDR  one piece
     2. Resistor  350-500 Ω
     3. NPN Transistors- BC547 or 2n3904
     4.  Switch
     5. Potentiometer 10 KΩ
     6. Battery 5-9V


LDR:  Light Dependent Resistors
            Light Dependent Resistors (LDR) are also called photoresistors. They are made of high resistance semiconductor material. When light hits the device, the photons give electrons energy. This makes them jump into the conductive band and thereby conduct electricity.

 ** if you have any problem and need assistance, comment below.

Physics Project: LDR- Light Dependent Resistor Physics Project: LDR- Light Dependent Resistor Reviewed by Unknown on January 12, 2018 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Sir i want to make file also for this project can u help me
    Thank you
    Yours sincerely
    12 class


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